11 years
Grade: 4th
Favorite Subject: English
Health Status: HIV/AIDS positive
Favorite Hobbies: Listerning
Favorite Book of the Bible: John 3:16
Favorite Meal: Chicken
Prayer Requests: Healing
What Goals I Want to Accomplish: To live longer and serve
in the Ministry as a children motivator.
What I like best my new home:
a home of happiness and healthy growth.
13 years
Grade: 4th
Favorite Subject: Christian Religious Education
Health Status: HIV/AIDS positive
Favorite Hobbies: singing
Favorite Book of the Bible: John 1:1
Favorite Meal: Cabbage
Prayer Requests: Peace
What Goals I Want to Accomplish: To help people when I
grow up
What I like best my new home:
a home of happiness and healthy growth.
12 years
Grade: 6th
Favorite Subject: English
Health Status: Eye problem
Favorite Hobbies: Singing and dancing
Favorite Book of the Bible: Mathew 6: 11
Favorite Meal: Fish
Prayer Requests: Back pack and school uniform.
What Goals I Want to Accomplish: To be a medic so I may
help those who have eye problem.
What I like best about the my home.
It is home that gives hope to the hopeless children.
Age: 11 years
Grade: 5th
Favorite Subject: Math
Health Status: HIV/AIDS positive
Favorite Hobbies: Singing and memory verses.
Favorite Book of the Bible: 1 Peter 1:15
Favorite Meal: Chapati and meat
Prayer requests: My health and school fees
What Goals I Want to Accomplish: To be a teacher
one day is
public school.
What I like best about my new Home: Its more
than just a
home. It’s a place of Love.
Age: 16 years
Grade: 7th
Favorite Subject: Kiswahili
Health Status: Sick with Aids
Favorite Hobbies: Singing and reading.
Favorite Book of the Bible: Romans 8:1
Favorite Meal: Meat
Prayer Requests: Peace
What Goals I Want to Accomplish: Engineer
I like best about my new: Home: Its more than just a home.
Age: 15 years
Grade: 7th
Favorite Subject: C.R.E
Health Status: HIV postive
Favorite Hobbies: Drawing
Favorite Book of the Bible: Ephesians 6:11
Favorite Meal: Rice
Prayer Requests: My health
What Goals I Want to Accomplish: Pastor
I like best about my new Home: I love our dad Pastor John
Age: 12 years
Grade: 6th
Favorite Subject: English
Health Status: HIV/AIDS
Favorite Hobbies: Telling Bible Stories
Favorite Book of the Bible: Hebrews 11:1
Meal: Fish
Prayer Requests: Sleeping mattress and blanket.
Goals I Want to Accomplish:
I want grow and help those who are suffering.
I like best about the my home: I am happy.
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